Protabgor Foundation has been contributing in healthcare in some rural parts of Bangladesh and India where healthcare was kind of out of reach for the people.
Protabgor Foundation runs multiple educational projects including scholarships, financing for educational equipments, organizing adult schools and maktabs.
The organization also operate many other social welfare and development projects such as winter cloths distribution, safe water supply, infrastructure development when and where necessary.
A Message from us!
We are very delighted to inform you about the progress of Protabgor Health, Education and Development Foundation. This charity organization officially launched in 2003 in London, with the help of our extended family members. The aim of Protabgor Foundation is SOCIALISING, NETWORKING and CHARITY WORK. This was a dream for the founding members of the Foundation.
Alhamdulliah, we now have five branches including North America, India, Bangladesh (Dhaka & Sylhet) and United Kingdom. We have seven welfare centers, where we are running more than 20 different projects to help the distressed people and to serve humanity. Wherever Protabgories are living in the world, we are all linked and working on a united platform to serve the noble task. Anyone is welcome to join the Protabgor Foundation, or sponsor any project in your name, this is not limited to only family members.
Finally, I would like to thank all Protabgories and well-wishers in supporting this organization for a good cause. I pray to Allah the Almighty to continue the success of Protabgor Foundation for many years to come.